Food Trends

This past week I worked a corporate food show and was amazed at the differences between consumer food shows and corporate shows. First of all, at a consumer show, anyone who can afford a ticket can go and it is usually restaurants and local and/or celeb chefs doing the cooking. The attendees just go around and try samples of food that the chefs are featuring at their restaurants, or food that they are showing off. Sometimes it is even chefs showing off for one another. At a corporate show, the attendees are buyers for corporate chains and the chefs from product lines and different companies are showing folks at the corporate level the different ways their products can be used. Of course there is a measure of showmanship involved, but it is more about the application of the featured products or product line that is key to the event. Here is one of the dishes Chef James O’Donnell with Texas Pete made (I assisted him).
Left to right: Chocolate Chipotle Truffle with Spicy Raspberry Sauce, Tempura Bacon with Hot Sauce Spiked Whipped Honey, Fruit “Sushi” with Spicy Coconut Raspberry Sauce – of course all the items were made with sauces from the Texas Pete line.

Also at a corporate event there are seminars of all kinds showcasing new techniques, and of course food trends. Apparently Southern Cooking is on the rise, according to one of the experts at the event. So here is what I want to know:
Who decides what the upcoming trends are?
How do they make that determination?
Do they have a panel of foodies that get a questionnaire?
Is it like the fashion industry, where a bunch of designers decide Burnt Umber is THE color and that’s that?
Do they follow what Chefs are doing and extrapolate from there?
Inquiring minds want to know!

Well, one of the food trends that has taken hold nationwide and is peaking, is a return to farm to table cooking and utilizing ONLY what is in season. Restaurants change their menus frequently, sometimes daily, based on what they can get their hands on, but a “seasonal” menu has become the norm. This is the way people used to eat. No strawberries in December, fresh tomatoes in the summer and squashes in the winter months. A simpler task in California and the mid-west to be sure, but even Chefs here in Vegas strive to work with THE most seasonal produce available and do it very successfully. That being said, I had one of the single best meals in LA recently. John and I went to a place called animal. Yes, it’s all lower case, and don’t bother looking for a sign, there isn’t one. It’s on Fairfax, up the street from Canter’s Deli (Moment of Truth – Canter’s was some of the worst corned beef hash I have ever had…I don’t care if they are a landmark institution!). Chef Frank Anderson from their sister property, Son of a Gun, made the reservation for us (Thank YOU Chef Jesse Moreno for the recommendation and intro!) at 9 pm and when we arrived the line was STILL out the door.

Let’s just say we had 7 different dishes – all small plates – and they each had a completely different flavor profile. No one in the kitchen was playing favorites in the spice cabinet. There wasn’t a dog in the bunch and the nectarine and goat cheese salad was so delicious those nectarines had to have been picked that day! The Chefs at animal could teach a few things about farm to table to lots of people here in Vegas. It was truly one of the best meals I have ever had, and incredibly reasonably priced!

Chicken Liver Toast with Blackberry Jam

Nectarine and Goat Cheese Salad with Purslane

Buffalo Style Crispy Pig Tails

We also went to a cocktail event at Son of a Gun for a Low Country Boil sponsored by Imbibe Magazine – another fantastic meal!

So if you go to LA and you need recommendations on where to eat – definitely go to animal and Son of a Gun. Remember – don’t bother looking for signs…there aren’t any…

Hanging with The Cool Kids

Sorry I am day late! I am working with Texas Pete Hot Sauce at the Flavor Experience in Newport Beach, California. I THOUGHT I would have time yesterday to post, but it was a whirlwind of epic proportions from early in the morning until late at night! Enjoy this week’s post and thanks for being patient!

Do you wonder what Chefs do on their night off? Well some would say they eat soup and frozen pizza, but I know better. They cook for each other.

Last week I was invited to participate in dinner at Chef Jesse Moreno’s house. There were no less than 6 Chefs and at least 2 pastry Chefs in attendance and I was instructed the theme was “Mediterranean”. Of course I twitched and freaked – I mean SHIT! Chefs were going to be eating my food – AGAIN! (Moment of Truth – I ALWAYS freak out when Chefs or Critics eat my food – massive fear of failure). I made spanakopita and dolmades – because I can do that with my eyes closed and KNOW it is edible. Not fancy, but FAMILY style food that can be picked up and walked away with. I made a good choice, because there was some amazing food and no duplicates! Gorgeous chicken kebabs, lovely salmon, falafel, tzatziki, hummus and other fab food. All made in collaboration and with a fair measure of humor and love. And last but not least was Carmen’s amazing baklava.

You would think that egos enter into the picture and that they are constantly trying to “out-do” each other, but with this crew, that is not the case. I KNOW some Chefs have egos as big as the great outdoors, but with the Cutthroat Crew it is more about collaboration than about proving who is best. It’s a real family affair with kids, spouses and everyone getting their hands in on the action. Hubby John has a unique talent that the Chefs appreciate and his beer is always a hit! Everyone takes turns washing dishes, straightening up and holding the babies.

Set aside the fact that there was a film and camera crew there. Everyone left their egos at the door and had a great time. So, here is the thing, there are the old school Chefs who are established and staid and frankly…well, sometimes a little boring if truth be known. And then there is a whole new breed of Chefs. The Underground, the Fringe, the Upstarts. I told Friend Lynn about how fun this event was and she said she remembers going to events JUST like this twenty five years ago with Charlie Palmer, her ex-husband Rick Moonen and David Burke where they were the upstarts with BBQ’s of their own. Now it is Christian Dolias, Jesse Moreno and their gang (it’s not a gang, it’s a club – the Black and White Knife Club to be exact).

This may come as a shock to some of you, but in school I was NOT one of the “Cool Kids”. Red hair, freckles AND smart? Really? No! I THOUGHT I wanted be a “Cool Kid” when I was in school, and then I decided I was fine the way I was. As an adult I am WAY cooler than I was in school and now the “Cool Kids” invite me to their events and I STILL feel like the Ugly Duckling, even though I know I am a swan.

How Do YOU Eat?

So here’s the thing…everyone approaches their food differently. When it is served to you and looks glorious on the plate how do you approach it? Everyone has their own method; no way is WRONG, but is there a RIGHT way to do it?

So HOW do you eat? If there is a plate of food in front of you how do you approach and attack?
 Do you mix everything together?
 Do you mix a couple of things together (like corn into your mashed potatoes)?
 Do you separate each thing so they don’t touch and eat one thing at a time?
 Do you take one bite of this and then one bite of that?
 Do you eat the “healthy” items first and hope you are full by the time you get to the heavier things (like French fries)?
 Do you put condiments on everything before you even try it?

I will admit that I am in the 3rd category. I eat each part of the plate one at a time. And I have a system. The thing I like best gets saved for last (Moment of Truth – if I like everything equally, I eat in a clockwise fashion around the plate). I am little skeeved out when people mix their foods together – unless they belong together like gravy and potatoes, meat or stuffing, although there are exceptions like poutine, nachos, wraps, sandwishes, etc. I like to eat each thing separately and enjoy it that way. And while that is all fine and good when you are at a neighborhood BBQ or potluck, when you go out to eat and the Chef has created a beautiful plate, that’s not really how you should eat. You are supposed to make sure you get a bit of each thing on the plate in each bite. But I can’t help myself. I have to try each component separately and THEN eat it as a whole.

But…is it right to do that? Probably not, as friend Al Mancini pointed out to me. Recently we went to eat at Fleur by Hubert Keller and I think Al was mildly shocked by my trying each thing on my plate before eating it the way the Chef intended. I am not sure if he was shocked that I personally did it, or that anyone would do that in a top tier restaurant. I explained that I like to try them separately and THEN put them together the way the Chef served it. He brought up a great point: What if I don’t like one of the components by itself? Would it color the way I view the whole dish? So what’s a girl to do? And what about “deconstructed” dishes? Am I supposed to “construct” them or eat them as served?

I find that dining is a singular experience, and it should be, even when enjoyed with friends and family. Only YOU know how you like your food best. I will admit that I salt nearly everything if there is a salt shaker handy. I find most places under season everything and I need that little extra. Of course, in top tier joints there is usually no salt on the table, and in most cases I need not worry, it will be properly salted (although I did have to ask for salt ONCE and the server sniffed and looked slightly affronted when I asked for the salt).

Enjoy these pics of dishes I “deconstructed” and then ate “properly”.

But how do you address a surf & turf plate? Do you try to get some of the seafood AND part of the meat in one bite? That just seems gluttonous to me.

Feminism vs Cook/Homemaker – The Gloves Are Off!

My friend Lillian, who like me, is a feminist, also loves to cook and frequently brings comestibles to her workplace to share. One of her female coworkers said, “WOW! I would never have guessed you were such a good cook because you are such a feminist.” It was a comment that made me go, “Hmmmm?” and proceeded to spark a short, but heated conversation on Facebook. Why would anyone, a woman especially, think that if you are a good cook you couldn’t be a feminist? Is it demeaning to women to WANT to be good cooks? And if you are culinarily gifted are you, in some strange way, undermining the cause of feminism? WTH?!

According to an online Dictionary:

adjective Sometimes, fem•i•nis•tic.
1. advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to
those of men.
2. an advocate of such rights.

It never occurred to me that just because I choose to work from home and work primarily as a home maker, that someone would think I am NOT feministic. I have an herb garden. I use the food co-op (neo-hippie). I make most of my food from scratch and I still rally for women’s rights. Am I supposed to NOT stand up for myself and other women because I ENJOY all of those things? Does the fact that I am a crappy housekeeper cut me any slack on the feminist front? The fact that I am a staunch supporter of women’s rights should preclude me from enjoying home making arts? My neighbor has a gardener, nanny and housekeeper and she doesn’t work at ALL (for the life of me, I can’t figure out why she needs to hire help if she isn’t working). She is a good cook (REALLY good cook). Is she more of a feminist than I am because she hires help?

Are feminism and home-making skills mutually exclusive? If you enjoy home making tasks (cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc.) can you still be a feminist? What about men who fall into the above category of advocate, like my husband? Can he still be a feminist even though he isn’t female?

As a card carrying member of the ongoing feminist movement, I can tell you this: being a feminist doesn’t mean you have to forgo the home making arts. As one friend put it, and I quote, “Absolutely NOT! Being a feminist means that I am control of my life and my decisions. If I CHOOSE to stay home, work from home, work in the public, cook, clean, have babies, have no babies, or friggen spend my days painting kitty cats on rocks, it is my choice and I am the only one who is ultimately responsible for my happiness with my life. Others can influence my decisions, but only if I allow them to. Bring a feminist (to me) means being happy with me, my life, my body, and choices, and not allowing others to rule those decisions for me.”

Just because you feel that women are equal to men and deserve equal treatment doesn’t mean you can’t engage in, and enjoy cooking. In fact, according to Friend Kari, above, it means you SHOULD engage in anything that you find brings you happiness and/or peace. Anyone who has ever been to my house to eat can attest that I am a better than average cook, and anyone who truly knows me, also knows that I am a feminist. If you have been a guest in my house you hopefully have experienced my desire to make all guests feel welcome, wanted and full. That being said, does aiming to be a good host make me less of a feminist and more of a June Cleaver?

I guess if I am truthful with myself and you (and I always try to be), I would admit that in my 20’s I DID think that homemaking and feminism were diametrically opposed. I suppose I felt if you had a career, you shouldn’t be expected to be a housewife/homemaker. I worked outside of the home until 1998 and even though I worked outside the home, I STILL made most of our food from scratch, not necessarily because I enjoyed it, but because it was cheaper and saving money was a priority back then. Now that I work from home I continue to cook from scratch because I ENJOY it. Perhaps the necessity of the actions in my youth made it second nature to continue with what I was already doing and fostered a desire to learn more (Moment of Truth – I ALWAYS wanted to go to culinary school and finally went to a REAL class in 2010). Now, I do things outside of the norm in the household culinary world just because I can and I CHOOSE to stretch and learn. So, does the fact that I cure and smoke my own bacon make me a feminist or a Prairie Housewife?

Knowing what I know about myself and my desire to cook, learn and still advocate for equal rights for women, I have decided that I will forever be known as either a Domestic Goddess, a Domestic Diva or Fabulous Feminist. Take your pick. And if you come to visit, know that I will be in the kitchen cooking up a storm and proving women are equal to men at every turn. And if I have to identify with TV Moms…well, I am cross between June Cleaver and Peg Bundy…yes really!
To purchase this great T-shirt click here

It’s a Trial Run

This past week I was very flattered to be included in the “Friends & Family” night for Rick Moonen’s RX Boiler Room at Mandalay Place. For those of you who aren’t aware, when new restaurants open, they do what’s called a “soft opening” for regular patrons and those who have spent a good deal of time and/or money with their other restaurants or with properties in the same group ownership. They also invite their personal friends. Now to be honest, I am not sure which group I fell into this week. I am Lynn’s best friend (Rick’s ex-wife), and a friend of his as well, but I also eat at RM Seafood frequently (about twice a month) and hosted a dinner party at RM for 14 people in December. Hubby John is buddies with Rick’s oldest son as well. So I am not sure if I was there because of my patronage, or because of other ties. Either way I was glad to be included.

The thing to remember is that this is a TRIAL RUN. The resto is trying to figure out if their training is working and if the menu items are well received. Sometimes they even give you a questionnaire to fill out. Most of the time we all look at questionnaires and basically ignore them and generally not fill them out, but in this case you really HAVE to because that is why you were invited. They want feedback on everything. Did you like the décor? How was the music? Which dishes did you like best? What problems did your service have and how can they be improved?

If you are lucky enough to ever be invited to a soft opening, here are a few guidelines to remember:
 Be overly nice – they are all NEW employees, they don’t have their own rhythm yet and are still learning.
 Be honest in your assessments and try not to let petty grievances get in your way. If you wait 30 minutes for your cocktails to arrive, and there is some confusion regarding the drink order, be clinical about it without being nasty.
 You aren’t getting a check, so tip generously. You generally will see the regular menu with pricing so you will have a basic idea of what your check should have been. 20% is a bare minimum in these cases, even if the service wasn’t great. Remember, they are still learning.
 If the Chef and/or owner come to the table, tell them what you liked best. They REALLY want to know. Only offer up info on problems if they ask, they will see the questionnaires later. They are stressed out enough without having to hear complaints.
 Expect a manager to come to your table at least once. Be sure to NICELY tell them of any problems so they can be addressed that night for other patrons. If everyone repeats the same comments verbally AND in writing, they know there is a MAJOR issue.
 If you can, go with a group – that way everyone at your table has the chance to try a lot of different things and give constructive feedback, not only on the menu, but also on how the server did with a larger party.

I took not one pic of the room, but Eater Las Vegas posted some great ones! Check Susan Stapleton’s write up here.

I did take pics of all of our food! Because there were 5 of us at our table we were able to eat several small plates and five different entrees. Here are a few – to see ALL of them – go to my FB page – Good for Spooning.

Bacon on Bacon – Bacon wrapped pork belly atop toast, crowned with a quail egg.

Shrimp & Grits

Mac & Cheese that my son says is better than mine. In 20 years he has NEVER said that. And they use wagon wheel pasta!

31 Day Challenge

During Lent a friend told me she was “giving away” instead of “giving up”. She said she was going through her house every day during Lent and emptying her house, 1 bag at a time, of things she no longer needed or wanted. She would either throw away one full bag of stuff, or give away a bag of items she no longer needed or wanted. The size of the bag would be determined by the items being removed. Grocery sacks, trash bags and cardboard boxes were all acceptable. It sounds like a great way to de-clutter the house, right?

Well, I am FINALLY getting ready to remodel my kitchen and I have A LOT of stuff. And it ALL has to be moved out to allow the flooring, cabinets and counter tops to be put in. With any luck the project will be done in time for Thanksgiving (Moment of Truth – I have been TRYING to do this for nearly 2 years, but something always comes up to stop me). So I said to myself, “Hey LeAnne, this is a great project for you! It will make John happy and help you get ready for the teardown.” In theory this sounds like a good idea! So I am starting on a 31 day challenge to straighten out my kitchen. I don’t think it will take all 31 days, but it’s a good place to start! If it doesn’t take all 31 days I will move on to other rooms.

First on the list is the fridge and pantry. Let’s face it, we all buy condiments and salad dressings and they sometimes sit around with little regard to the expiration date. OUT! Then of course there is that zucchini/cucumber/bell pepper that got buried in the produce drawer only to turn into a slimy THING that needs to be tossed. OUT! Leftovers that have gone uneaten? OUT! An almost empty bottle of Dijon Mustard? OUT! The bonus to working in the fridge is that I am getting inspired by all of the condiments and other goodies I am keeping and I am COOKING again after a brief hiatus.

So, for a couple of hours yesterday I completely emptied my fridge (and then cleaned and sanitized it while I was at it) and pantry. I tossed out a LOT of stuff that was “hiding” and started on the “give-away” bin for today’s part of the challenge (old vases from floral arrangements, etc.). To my way of thinking, if I haven’t used it in more than a year, it’s probably safe to give it away (within reason – no family heirlooms or Holiday items will be tossed, so NO, my turkey roasting pan will stay here). Did you know I have three 8 quart stockpots and three Grill Pans? Do I really need them all? I have four 12” skillets with lids…disgusting, I know, but remember what I have done for a living for the past 15 years (I have sold cookware and kitchen tools with The Pampered Chef)! The last time I cleared out the cookware, my sisters were surprised to get some newish things for their kitchens. Just because I am giving it away, doesn’t mean I have to give it to charity. I can give it to anyone I please, as long as I get it out of my house. (Moment of Truth – hubby has been saying this for YEARS. I mentioned to him, “How much Stoneware can one person REALLY use at one time?” and his response was, “Tell me about it!”)

So my tip for you is this: If you are family and need something specific in your kitchen, call me and tell me what it is. If you are a friend living in Vegas, do the same. You never know! I may just be giving away what you need!

Four 12″ Skillets! Some I am keeping, but do I really need four? I think not!

Three 8 Quart Stockpots! I am keeping two because I also have a 12 qt, 16 qt and 24 qt…yes, I know.

Happy Fourth of July!! Make it a safe one, whatever you do.

Failed Experiment – Meatless Mondays

For years we tried to do “Vegetarian Night” once a week and I used to make a black bean and rice casserole. It had cheese, green chiles, spices. I made this for years about once every few months, thinking all the while how awesome it was that we were eating healthfully and that everyone but me really liked it. Yeah, ok, SOOO not the case. I found out after about 8 years that NO ONE in my family liked it, but they kept eating it because they thought I did. Now that is love and devotion for you and probably also a little fear. John and I were both raised to eat what was put in front of us and not bitch about it. Consequently Jack was raised the same way.

Nowadays we don’t even bother trying to eat meatless on Monday – we just do it when we feel like it. Most “meatless” nights consist of fish for us, but that is about as close as we are getting. Neither John nor I are big fans of tofu, and beans are just…just well, beans. I have tried to like eating vegetarian, but I guess I am one of those “blood types” that needs to eat meat (if you believe in that stuff).

So here we are back at the beginning, trying to be healthy and eating good tasting food at the same time. If I see another salad, I may commit hara kari (Moment of Truth – salads, with a few exceptions, are among my least favorite foods to eat…ever). At this point I want to ask the question, “Why bother?” If I enjoy eating, and you know I do, why should I eat something I don’t really like in an effort to be healthy when there are other options out there? Why should I compromise my taste buds because I am supposed to be globally aware? If I am miserable eating that way, should I really continue? If you like tofu, lentils and beans, three cheers for you! I can’t stand them and frankly I don’t want to eat them most of the time (I do make exceptions for dal, hot and sour soup and cannellini beans).

For me, it’s Mostly Meatless Mondays. Last night in an effort to eat mostly meatless it was grilled cheese and cheater tomato soup with roasted garlic. Gooey Havarti and Black Forest Ham on sourdough. I enjoyed last night’s choices so much that I think I may change it to “Grilled Cheese Monday”. It may be a weekly tradition for a while. Of course there was ham in the sandwishes, but it was MOSTLY meatless. Maybe this will allow me to play with fun grilled cheese options? Adding jams, fruit preserves and pestos to the ‘wishes? Getting a little grandiose with the cheese choices? Presenting grilled or sautéed veggies nestled in the melted dairy goodness? OK! I’m in! Maybe this recipe for next week and this one for the week after? They’re MOSTLY meatless…

On a side note, I am completely overwhelmed by the response my Food Shaming post received. Thanks to all of you who shared, reposted, read and talked about it. As always, feel free to comment and ask questions.

Enjoy this cheesy goodness…until next week! For more great ideas on Grilled Cheese check out the Grilled Cheese Academy. There is even a downloadable book!

Food Shaming

This past weekend I had the opportunity to do a couple of things that I don’t normally get to do. I was able to dine with Friend, and Food Writer, Al Mancini on one of his jaunts and I got to go to an all-girl party. As I have written before, dining with a Food Writer is MUCH different than dining with my adoring husband. While both are phenomenal, the perks of dining with friend Al are above what I am accustomed to receiving and for those perks alone, the meal is vastly different. The FOOD is not per se, but having everyone pay special attention to you is an added bonus.

So, on Friday, as per usual, I joined my Posse for Happy Hour at our regular place, dropped off snacks for an all-female get together, and then had dinner with Al at Fleur in Mandalay Bay. The meal was fantastic and we had a good time (see the pics below). After having stimulating conversation over food and wine with Al, I returned to the all-female gathering and proceeded to settle in for a good time. My host had told the gals that I dropped off a snack, had to leave and would be back after dinner. Because she told them where I was going and who I was with, several of the women wanted to hear about the food so I happily gushed and dished. There were all types of eaters there, several of whom I did not know, from Vegan to Omnivore and everything in between.

After talking about the meal, I went outside on the patio to smoke (don’t judge) and one of the women I did not know joined me and proceeded to verbally attack me about my food choices with the following comments among others:

  •  The food in those high end places is not worth what you pay
  •  When you eat there you are paying for someone’s ego
  •  It’s overpriced
  •  You aren’t getting what you think you are getting

Then 2 young vegetarians joined the discussion and started talking about food choices. I informed them, that having grown up on a farm, and having worked in a butcher shop, I am perfectly aware of where my food comes from and I am at the top of the food chain and I will eat what I please. I won’t even get into my half of the conversation defending fine dining.

The following day I read an article about “Slut Shaming” and I thought to myself, “Dammit! Those women were trying to ‘Food Shame’ me!” Holy bat shit, Batman! They were trying to make me feel guilty and ashamed for enjoying foie gras (Moment of Truth – I bear a simmering dislike for California for banning foie gras – but it doesn’t stop me from going there to visit). They were attempting to make my enjoyment and love of food a shameful thing. I was even called, and I quote, “crazy”, because I make my own bacon, sausage and pancetta (usually I am called a bad ass). Needless to say, their attempt at shaming me didn’t work because I am quite comfortable with my thoughts, feelings and opinions on food. But what if I was weaker? Oddly enough I didn’t even get worked up about it until I read the “Slut Shaming” article and put 2 and 2 together.

Then I REALLY got to thinking…do I unintentionally “food shame” others? Perhaps. I have been known to encourage people to NOT eat in chains like Applebee’s, Olive Garden, Outback and Chili’s in favor of supporting Mom & Pop or locally owned places. I have been known to tell people I won’t eat in Chick Fil A because of their stance on gay marriage (same goes for Carl’s Jr.). In an effort to get people really LOOKING at their seafood options I have told them not to eat Chilean Sea Bass because it is being over fished to the point of near endangerment (source – Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch). I always felt like I was educating people, sharing info I had learned, or sharing my feelings. Now that I take a closer look, I realize that perhaps I was inadvertently “food shaming” people. So I formally apologize if I have done this to you!

This brings up a variety of thoughts. Let’s face facts, most of us have strong feelings and/or opinions about our food, what we eat, where our food comes from, how we spend our food dollars and how we cook. But when sharing those thoughts, where does SHARING end and SHAMING begin? I know I, for one, will be taking a much closer look at what I say, to whom and in what context.

Here are the pics of the fab food from Fleur:

Kusshi Oyster with Citrus Granita – served on a bed of glass beads over dry ice. Liquid was poured on the beads and the smoking visual ensued

Ceviche Style Tuna Tartare

Truffled Beef Carpaccio with Arugula and shaved parmesan

Seared Hudson Valley Foie Gras, cherry clafoutis and blackberry sorbet

Roasted Diver Scallop with tender Mexican Squash and Tomato Water – my fave dish of the night!

Potato Crusted Loup de Mere with cauliflower mousse and grilled grape beurre blanc. Don’t you just love the way they laid out the sliced fingerling potatoes to look like fish scales?

Strawberry Shortcake

Assorted Desserts

Chewing (and a recipe link)

I have a little Cannoli – she is a 6 month old Boston Terrier and she is a chewer. Anyone who has ever housebroken a puppy KNOWS that there will be chewing going on. They chew on everything. I am sure the Dog Whisperer could tell you the real reason why, but I think they chew just because it is fun and pleasurable. All I know is that in an effort to protect my belongings I have at least a dozen doggie toys laying around the house. If you come over and aren’t careful, you could trip and break a hip – you have been given fair warning.

This is Cannoli at 4 months. Did you notice that the white mark on her forehead looks like a knife?

As someone who loves food, loves cooking, works in the culinary arena and writes about food, I can imagine three things that would really put a damper on my life in food:
1. Loss of smell – think about when you have a really bad cold. NOTHING tastes right because after seeing how beautiful the food looks, your pleasure and enjoyment of food increases with the smell of whatever is going into your mouth.
2. Loss of taste buds. No explanation necessary
3. Loss of ability to chew, or pain when chewing.

While number three may be a great way to lose weight (just ask friend Laurie who had to have her jaw wired shut after she broke her jaw), the simple act of mastication makes me feel good. I love chewy candies, peppermint gum and toothsome food. Unfortunately for me, I have TMJ. Yes, really. In 1986 I dislocated my jaw, and since then it acts up from time to time and causes me pain when I bite anything or open my mouth too wide (like yawning or taking a bite of a burger or sandwish). Currently, I am in so much pain that eating pasta is a challenge. Choosing to avoid pain, instead of plowing through and chewing anyway is certainly changing what, how much and how often I eat. Drinking through a straw is painful, smoking is a challenge (don’t judge) and foods I love are now my enemies. Maybe this is a weight loss and health plan after all?

So yesterday I went to the doc and he said “soft foods only” until this straightens itself out. And he prescribed a new med that makes me freaking loopy as hell. Soft foods? Oatmeal, fruit smoothies, soup, scrambled eggs, mac & cheese, ice cream. Doesn’t sound all that bad, right? But what about fried chicken, burgers, cookies, sandwishes, bacon and mixed nuts? Last night we went to Culinary Dropout to a viewing party for friend Christian Dolias’ performance on Chopped (unfortunately he didn’t win and was “chopped” early). I love the pretzels and provolone fondue there and normally dig into it with gusto. Yeah. That didn’t happen last night. I had to tear the pretzels into tiny pieces and chew VERY carefully. And my entrée? I ate less than half of my stroganoff and gave the rest to Jack. The housemade noodles were delish, but the beef was nearly impossible for me to enjoy. Maybe I will lose a few pounds with this out of whack jaw sitch! More importantly, we all had a great time cheering Christian on and socializing.

The Cutthroat Culinary Black & White Knife Club boyz (L to R – Crockett, Jesse Moreno and Christian Dolias) with Rick Moonen and Al Mancini

Al Mancini with son Jack

And remember I have to cook for my family. They can’t/won’t be satisfied with a soft food diet. What to do? FML! Well, in an effort to make something we ALL can eat and we will all enjoy, tonight I am making pho and I will worry about tomorrow when I get there. This is the recipe I use. It is pretty easy and it is from Food & Wine mag from back in 2005. Maybe later this week, braised beef shanks and polenta?

I am hoping I will go to sleep one night and wake up magically healed and able to eat whatever I please. Until then I will continue drinking my beer, taking the loopy pain meds and eating soft food. Maybe even losing a little weight in the process. I know, you feel sorry for me.

Vegas Uncork’d – Labor I Love

So here is the thing – Putting on a HUGE event like Vegas Uncork’d is a massive undertaking and I am only involved with ONE booth. There are dozens, all jockeying for position. All wanting a porter, supplies, assistance, and to be recognized. I can’t imagine putting the whole thing together, and yet I am doing just that in September, but that is for another posting. Everyone thinks their booth is the most important and they are ALL fantastic and require attention to detail, staffing, organization and problem solving. That’s where I come in.

I freelance for Texas Pete Hot Sauce and when they come to town I work my ass off. I LOVE it! I am challenged, I flex my skills (not in the kitchen) and I trouble shoot and solve problems. It makes me happy, but it also makes me exhausted, but I can’t figure out why. In my past I worked 70 hour work weeks, on my feet constantly and always running. Yes, I am older now, but I refuse to believe that is the reason I am so tired. Could it be that I am working at this level only do a few times a year? That it is more mental exhaustion than physical? I keep examining myself over this. I may have an answer: I am on such an adrenaline high that my body crashes after all is said and done. Yeah, let’s go with that.

The most exciting things about these foodie events like Uncork’d are the opportunities to mingle with Chefs, have pics taken with them and get autographed cookbooks for my collection. I have to say without reservation that Hubert Keller and his wife Chantal and THE nicest people I have ever met at one of these events. They are so welcoming to EVERYONE and are just a delight to be around.

More events on the horizon, including DISH for Three Square Food Bank. Of course I welcome these challenges and can’t wait to try all of the food!

Enjoy these few pics from Uncork’d while I continue to recover (only kidding – I am all recovered and have already been to the east coast and back!).
Friend Lynn and I with Charlie Palmer

My new signed book for my collection…Yippee!

With Chef Julian Serrano at the Block Party at The Bellagio

Lynn and I in the Patron Sponsored photo booth at The Block Party at The Bellagio

The entire TEAM with Chef Michel Richard – photo courtesy of Cory Fields – Fields Photography Click HERE to see more great pics from Cory