The Lunch List

It’s no secret that I like to go out for lunch.  I enjoy it almost more than I enjoy going out for dinner. Before I go to a place for dinner, if they have a lunch menu I will often eat lunch there first.  The lunch menu is usually cheaper, and it will give you a good idea of what the quality of the food is like and you’ll also get a feel for the service and atmosphere.  Beyond that, I really like to chat with people over lunch and what’s more, it’s fast.  If needed, you can be in and out in an hour and a half – TOPS! So, it’s perfect when you don’t know someone that well, but want to get to know them (like a first date). It’s great when you know someone is a pain in the ass know it all (with the wine list, the menu, the area, etc.) but you like them otherwise and they keep trying to orchestrate a dinner outing with you.  Meeting someone for lunch doesn’t trap you into a whole day of activities with them; however, if you decide to extend and visit more, it’s not a big deal.

Here’s a little secret – I have a Lunch List.  It’s an ever evolving list of people with whom I would like to have lunch.  A quick afternoon to talk with them and learn a about them and see what they choose from the menu (Moment of Truth – I can tell a lot about someone by what they order and how they do it.  For example: in general, the more words it takes you to order your coffee, the bigger an asshole you are.  People who order “coffee, black” are usually the coolest).  When I see someone interesting in any media I say, “I’d like to have lunch with them.”  As I put this list out there for you, I notice that it is mostly men…weird. Most of the pics here are not mine. I borrowed from the internet via Google Images.  So here, in almost no order is the current lunch list:

Robert Downey Jr. – He’s my not so secret celeb crush and he’s Ironman.  Do I need another reason? I fell in love with him in Less Than Zero.


Jeff Goldblum – Smart, funny and I like almost all of his movies – even the dreaded Earth Girls Are Easy


Dave Grohl – the only musician on the list.  I loved the way he played drums for Nirvana and everything he does is riveting to watch.  I liked him before I went to the EMP in Seattle, but all that did was whet my appetite for more in depth info.  The fact that he isn’t in the tabloids means he either has a GREAT publicist, or he is THAT decent a person.

Dave Grohl

Stephen Colbert – the man makes me laugh my ass off on a near daily basis. I really want to know how much is the show and how much is him. Is he truly a liberal posing as a conservative, or is he somewhere in the middle?

838-495_StephenColbertGloria Steinem – I have always looked up to her, even at her most extreme. I’d really like to see what she eats. I want to ask her how far she thinks the women’s rights movement has actually come.  What does she think of the celebutants? Who is the most aggravating woman on the planet (other than me)?


Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion TOGETHER  – so I can ask them about superheroes, Castle, Firefly and the next person on the list.

JW and NF2

Christina Hendricks  – HELLO!  Joan from Mad Men and Our Mrs. Reynolds?  Yeah, she’s that fucking cool and I could be like her cooler, older sister on Mad Men.  I once bought a dress because a complete stranger said, “You look like Joan from Mad Men in that dress.”

Christina Hendricks Workout

Thomas Keller – the man is a genius and the only chef on the list – and when I did get to see him work he ushered a level of quiet into a kitchen that I have never seen before.  He is revered by Chefs and Foodies alike.  Catch here?  I’d like to COOK my lunch WITH him and get some tips!

028-IMG_0832Derek Jeter – I NEED to know if when he shattered his ankle he KNEW it was a career ending injury.  I want to talk with him about his plans after this season and ask him why he is still single.  Is he that difficult or do potential partners expect too much from him?  And again: The fact that he isn’t in the tabloids means he either has a GREAT publicist, or he is THAT decent a person.


Neil Degrasse Tyson – the man is brilliant with a good sense of humor.  I am sure he’d be a fascinating lunch companion!  I am quite certain that he would talk over my head, but he has a great voice that I could listen to all day.

NDT-scienceSo my charge to you is this: If you know any of these people and can hook me up with a lunch date, I’ll be forever in your debt and I will share my Secret Lemon Bars or Nettie’s Legendary Chicken Salad recipe with you.  At a bare minimum I will make you a batch of both.  Also, I’d like to know who you would like to have lunch with.  Comment!