Hi. My Name Is LeAnne and I Am a LeCreuset Addict

There should be a meeting I can go to. It has become clear that I have a cookware problem and its name is LeCreuset! I am not sure what it is about that gorgeous enameled cast iron cookware that makes my pulse race, but I love it. I remember “finding” it for the first time at the LeCreuest outlet in San Marcos, Texas in 1996 right about the time I started to get “serious” about my cooking.  The Hubs was in med school and the only thing I could afford in the store was a silicone spatula. Not to be deterred, I visited that store often and touched and looked at all of the “Flame” colored cookware, wanting each and every piece. Having only watched Julia Child in black and white, I didn’t realize until years later that LeCreuset was her cookware choice as well. Once I learned THAT tidbit, my cravings became insatiable.

Make no mistake, there can be no substitute

I don’t know if it is the variety of beautiful colors, or the curve of the three lines as they encircle the lids, or the name itself if you say it the RIGHT way – it is le crewSAY not lah crooSET – but I just love it. I love the way it looks. I love the weight of it. The way it performs is brilliant and I have never been disappointed with any of my purchases. And make no mistake, there can be no substitute. It must be French and it must be this brand. Others are equally gorgeous, but as is often said, there is no love like your first love. None of my pieces match and that is intentional. I love the mix of colors and shapes and I have no need to own a matched set of anything. Each piece was bought on sale, either because the store was going out of business, the color was being retired (like the kiwi, fennel and cobalt) or the store opted not to carry my beloved brand any longer. And it’s not like they sit there collecting dust. I USE them. All the time!

A couple of years ago, we remodeled our kitchen, putting in extra cabinets and super cool rolling drawers for my cookware. Upon completion of the installation, the Hubs said, “Now you have enough cabinets to hold everything”. Well, that worked for a while. As I moved items into the kitchen from the OTHER places in the house where they were stored, the cabinets began filling up faster than either of us thought was possible. Now they are completely full and the new law of the land is that I can’t bring any more kitchen stuff into the house unless I get rid of something of equal size/shape/space allowance to make way for the new item. Notice the verbiage. I can’t bring any more into the house…he said nothing about buying new items, just that I can’t bring them in the house. Getting rid of a wooden spoon to make space for a stock pot isn’t gonna cut it. This is a problem.

I always start in the clearance section

In January Mom came to visit and we made a trip to SoCal. On the way back, we stopped at the Williams-Sonoma outlet in Primm. Big Mistake. John thinks I should be banned for life from that store AND Sur la Table. I can’t leave those stores without some cool shit tucked into my reusable shopping bags. I simply cannot do it. It’s almost as if it’s programmed into my DNA or subconscious or something. For the record, I always start in the clearance section of any store. On the latest trip I found a gorgeous LeCreuset forest green enameled cast iron Dutch oven, for 75% off. Of course I couldn’t resist!

“Is there any particular reason why there is a LeCreuset box in the back of the car?”

True to my word, I didn’t bring the new Dutch oven in the house, knowing the agreement of removing something before I could bring it into the kitchen. I left it in the back of my SUV, never telling John about the purchase. A few weeks after the purchase, John saw it in the back and said, “Is there any particular reason why there is a LeCreuset box in the back of the car?” I told him about my purchase and sticking to the agreement we made, He grunted and said that he really meant I wasn’t supposed to BUY anything for the kitchen until I got rid of some stuff. I gently reminded him that wasn’t what he said.

Still it sits in the back of my car. And it is a signature piece autographed by Chuck Williams which I didn’t even know until I was loading this pic!

Here we are, coming up to Easter in mid-April and it is still in the back of the car!

I have given away, to a friend in need, a box and a bag full of kitchen stuff, but can’t make space for the pot where it belongs in the kitchen. The Offspring says emptying the dishwasher or putting away any of the hand washed items is like playing “Kitchen Tetris”. I keep rearranging things hoping to magically cull some space. It’s not working. I will have to get rid of SOMETHING, but I am not ready to part with anything…yet. Truth be told, when The Offspring moves out into his own apartment (after paying down his student loan debt), some of my cookware will go with him. You know I have doubles of LOTS of things, including, but not limited to two 7¼ quart oval LeCreuset Dutch ovens. Keep in mind that the above pic is ONLY my LeCreuset. It doesn’t show the stainless, non-stick and classic unglazed cast iron pieces… He’s going to be the only single guy I know in his age bracket with decent cookware that is not a culinary professional.

Whoever said, “There’s no such thing as too much of a good thing,” is a liar. It is possible to have too much of a good thing when it comes to cookware. And for now, it seems I do have too much of a good thing…and the box is still in the car.

Here it sits in the back of the car, along with my eco-friendly shopping bags, waiting to come in the house.


Russell Gardner – Nevada’s First Cicerone

Certified Cicerone Russell Gardner grew up here in Vegas, and has a degree in art and commercial photography. Like many Las Vegas hospitality professionals, once he started working in the industry, he found he enjoyed it, and stayed there. His love of the craft beer industry bloomed just when the craft beer scene started to explode here in Nevada.

Trailblazer Gardener is the first Certified Cicerone in Nevada

He started in the restaurant world at the age of 16, worked his way through the remainder of his years at Chaparral High School and through his college years as well. While working at Margaritaville, he became an intern at a local brewery, Joseph James Brewing, and his career path made a sharp turn toward beer. Eventually he became the head brewer at Joseph James. He had a hand in crafting Joseph James’ Hop Box and Red Fox beers. He went on to work for Block 16 Hospitality helping Holstein’s and Public House create some of the best tap programs in the city. While working for Block 16 Hospitality, he took the test for Certified Cicerone* and is now a Certified Cicerone, and he was the very first in Nevada to achieve that title. There are multiple categories of Cicerone and as you advance, each test is more involved and requires a great deal of preparation, in addition to knowledge. He is a trailblazer and set the tone for the beer servers in this town. Several bartenders, servers and bar owners have now become Cicerones as well.

The Best Part of the Job is the Education

Being a Certified Cicerone helped him land his current job. Russell has been the Director of Craft for Bonanza Beverage Company for three years. Bonanza is distinct in the beverage distribution industry in that they sell only beer. They do not distribute spirits or wine, and they are a family owned and operated local concern, serving southern Nevada exclusively. Russell’s job is multifaceted, including everything from sales and marketing to menu and recipe development. He says the part of his job he enjoys the most is the education aspect. He loves teaching people the ins and outs of tasting events and helping others learn about craft beer. Assisting bars and restaurants create a “balanced tap list” is one aspect of sales and marketing that aligns with the education aspect. A “balanced tap list” according to Russell is paramount to having a great beer program. It’s important to have a little of everything from light and crisp to big and heavy because beer drinkers are more knowledgeable than ever, and their numbers and knowledge grow every year. He admits that the more handles you have, the easier it is to create that balance, but it possible to have balance regardless of the number of tap handles. With all of the great choices in the craft beer industry right now, he has fun!

In addition to his regular duties at Bonanza, you can expect to find Russell at every beer event in town, whether he is working or not. Just look for his trademark handlebar moustache and walk up and say hello. In fact, the accompanying photo was taken at Brew’s Best Craft Beer Festival benefitting New Vista, a charity focused on helping the intellectually challenged. Both Russell and Bonanza are committed to local charities and participate in events several times a year.

When not selling, serving, or enjoying beer, you can find Russell on the ice. Hockey has long been a passion for Russell and he continues to play three times a week with former professionals at local ice rinks for enjoyment and fitness. He looks forward to the arrival of our Las Vegas Golden Knights at the T-Mobile Arena, as do we all!


*From Cicerone.org: The word Cicerone (sis-uh-rohn) designates hospitality professionals with proven experience in selecting, acquiring, and serving today’s wide range of beers. In case you didn’t know, a cicerone is akin to a sommelier for beer. To learn more about the Cicerone Program, how to participate, take the exams and become a Cicerone visit https://www.cicerone.org/us-en





Pet Peeves – 2017 – AKA Shit That Pisses me Off

Ah Facebook, you little darling you! I was reminded through the “Memories” pop up that it’s time for my annual Pet Peeves blog. You know, the one time of year that I bitch, whine, complain and use plenty of foul language. (Consider yourself warned if you are easily offended.) If I am going to be honest, it is probably my favorite blog of the year to write. Be prepared for foul language. I expect you to snicker, smirk, and comment on your own pet peeves. And BTW – if you like the piece, share it to make the world a better place for ME (kidding, not kidding). Share, comment, spread the love and if you aren’t subscribed, what the hell are you waiting for? It’s FREE, I don’t share your info and you only hear from me once a week.

Top of the Pet Peeves list – People who bicker over the check

If you are out to eat with friends, you are probably going to do it again, just split the check evenly; it will all come out in the wash eventually. Friend Lebette calls it a “combat split” and I love that phrase. To be honest, women are guilty of this more often than men. I have been on the receiving end of a check where a bottle of wine was ordered, I didn’t drink any (you all know that!) and still I kicked in an equal share. If you like these people well enough to dine with them, just split the fucking check! Caveat – if it’s a one-time thing, or a business lunch, ask for separate checks at the beginning of the meal so you don’t harass the wait staff.

My “Bar Fail” pet peeves are the same as last year. You can read them here. However, I have started to point out the lack of hooks under the bar as a “fail” to bartenders and managers that I personally know. Miraculously, hooks have appeared!

Step to the Side

Lack of Situational Awareness – For the record, we are all guilty of this every once in a while, especially if we have been imbibing. DO NOT stop at the bottom of the escalator blocking the traffic behind you from disembarking; step to the side. DO NOT stop in the middle of the walkway to have a conversation; step to the side. DO NOT crawl up my ass at the checkout, the ATM or anywhere frankly; give me arm’s length distance. DO “stand right, walk left” when on escalators and moving sidewalks.

People who use the handicap accessible stalls in the restroom when they don’t NEED it really piss me off. Friend Bailey is in a wheelchair and NEEDS that stall. Old broads with walkers NEED that stall. Be fucking grateful that you DON’T, and walk the extra couple of feet. If there is a lineup for the restroom, all bets are off. And it super-duper sends me into fucking orbit when I see kids do it. Their parents must be morons too. Mom always said, “You are fully able bodied, use the regular stall. I don’t care if the handicapped one is bigger!”

And while we are on the subject of restroom pet peeves– ladies, please keep in mind that a public restroom isn’t your personal vanity station. Do your fucking makeup at home. No one wants to look at your hair in the sink, watch you put on false eyelashes or do anything more than touch up your lipstick. Piss, wash your hands and get out of the damn way. Others are waiting (lack of situational awareness again) for you to move your ass. And for fuck’s sake, stop taking bathroom selfies! No one wants to see that shit either!

If you own a dog and walk it in a public place, pick up your dog’s shit! Please, for the rest of us that use that trail, sidewalk or park, be polite. No one wants to step in or smell that.

Corporate Greed

I REALLY despise that the casinos have started to charge for parking here in Vegas. It was always one of the coolest perks to living here. Even the valet at the Caesar’s mall is charging. Ok,let me get this straight – so I’m going to spend money in your establishment and you want me to pay to park my vehicle too? Fuck you! I will spend my money someplace else. I find this annoying in the extreme when I am staying at the fucking hotel for a staycation or a conference. I do not mind paying to park on the city streets with a meter (I do mind it when the meter doesn’t work and I get a ticket). It’s the consistent greed of big business that really yanks my chain. Aren’t the gamblers losing enough money to suit you? Now you want to put your hands twice into the pockets of locals dining at one of your restos or paying to see a show? Fuck you again. And Disney? Six Flags? You are on this shit list too!

If I am in a designated smoking area, do not ask me to put out my butt, move away from you or wave your hand in front of your face to move the smoke or affect a fake cough. YOU walked into this area knowing there would be smoking. And smokers, be respectful of non-smoking areas.

And a short list of pet peeves that needs no explanation:

  • Cheating spouses who blame their partner for their own running around.
  • Men who wear hats (other than a yarmulke) at the table.
  • Vegans who tell you that you suck because you eat animal products.
  • People who try to get me to eat at vegan restos. I am not their target demographic.
  • Fake food and food pretending to be something other than what it is. e.g. Cauliflower “rice”. Vegan “meat”.
  • Phony people.
  • Slut shaming.
  • Body image shaming.
  • Litterbugs.

Don’t be that person

And finally, I can’t stand drunk drivers. It’s fine to get drunk. It is fine to drive. Just don’t do them together. Recently a 16 year old lost his life on the way to school in my ‘hood because some ass was drunk at 6:30 in the morning. Don’t be that person. Call a cab or use Lyft or get a hotel room. All of them are cheaper than the alternative. You could be saving your own life AND the life of someone else.




I Want to Eat at Bouchon Weekly

After my splendid birthday dinner, I have decided that I want to eat at Bouchon weekly. It was everything I wanted and more. For those of you who have been following along for a couple of years, you know I treat my birthday like a national holiday (Moment of Truth – when I was a little girl my Mom told me some day my birthday WOULD be a national holiday because I share it with Elvis). We always go someplace special and Bouchon didn’t disappoint! The dinner was a fantastic kick off to LeAnneuary.*

Mom had never participated in the enjoyment of a shellfish tower

Happily, I had my Mom here with me and because she lives in a, shall we say “food deprived” area of central Florida, she too was thrilled with the special treatment. I love taking out of town friends & family to visit my Chef Friends at their restos. I especially love it when the Chef comes out to chat for a few minutes. Chef Dan Ontiveros and the entire staff at Bouchon made me feel extra special and no one batted an eye when I ordered the Croque Madame for my main course instead of one of the fabulous OTHER great offerings. Croque Madame IS my favorite sandWISH of all time. This dinner was extra fun because Mom had always seen shellfish towers, but had never actually gotten to participate in the enjoyment of one. Her eyes glazed over with bliss at every single mouthful.

When the base was placed on the table, I thought “Oh goodie! We’re having oysters!” Yes, we did. And so much more! Each item was fresh, delicious and flavor packed. After this, all seafood during Mom’s month long visit paled in comparison. And seriously, don’t skip the bread when you visit. Just enjoy the carbs.

If you know me AT ALL, you know I am a charcuterie whore. French country pate is my all time fave and I find it difficult to share. But I did. Mainly because there was so much food to sample and I didn’t want to get too full.

This little beauty is a foie gras gateau. I do not believe it is offered on the regular menu, but if it is available you should definitely have it. It’s a collaboration between Chef Dan and his Sous Chef Peter Bart Clark. And in case you are wondering, YES those are shaved truffles and edible flowers. As if the foie itself wasn’t special enough, those additions knocked it completely off the chart!

Of all entries in the sandWISH category, a Croque Madame is the Queen in my book. A grilled ham and cheese, topped with Mornay sauce and a beautiful runny yolked egg. It’s not the BEST pic…but you get the idea.

One thing Bouchon does better than most is baking

And of course there was dessert, because what celebration doesn’t end with something sweet? These are just a few of the ones we enjoyed.

There is no such thing as too much ice cream and if you are having a chocolate cake as rich as this one, it’s a MUST. If there is one thing Bouchon does better than most, it is baking. If you can’t make time to visit the restaurant, grab a croissant from the Bouchon Bakery.

These lovely profiteroles were filled with ice cream and slathered with chocolate sauce. In the background you can see a lemony chess pie and a homey apple cobbler.

For those of you who have never been to a Thomas Keller restaurant, I am sorry for you and wonder why in the world you are waiting! The service is superb, the décor understated and comfy, and everything is impeccably first rate.

Planning a trip to Vegas? Call Bouchon and make the reservation. Thank me later  702.414.6200.

Many apologies to Chef Dan and the staff of Bouchon for the delay in this post. I am not tech savvy enough to fix my site when shit goes wrong. It seems to be liking me these days.


I celebrate the entire month of January as LeAnneuary.


Aureole – New and Improved

I’ve waited long enough to post this. I apologize for the delay, there are some issues with the website and they are being dealt with. To see ALL of the pics, please visit Good for Spooning on Facebook. 

Aureole is new and improved Johnny Church at the helm

In December The Hubs and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary and we chose Aureole as our dinner spot. We always choose someplace nicer than our norm for our celebration of us and Aureole didn’t disappoint. Aureole is new and improved IMHO with Friend Johnny Church at the helm. While Johnny wasn’t in house that night, we were still treated like royalty and the food was superb.

Attention to detail is paramount

Luckily I have the opportunity to dine at a lot of great places and friends in the culinary community fill me in on their favorites. When I learned Johnny was at Aureole, we made plans to dine there as soon as scheduling allowed. Part of the appeal of fine dining is the service. Of course the menu and attention to detail therein is paramount, but the service is what really makes it special. Aureole’s new décor, along with a fresh new menu and outstanding service made this a meal to remember.

Delight at every plate that was brought to the table

I am no slouch in the kitchen, but my biggest weakness, I feel, is my plating. I do not have an artistic bone in my body, so when it comes to gorgeous plating I am always blown away. Flowers, artfully swirled sauces, microgreens placed “just so” all make me smile because I can’t envision it in my head. I can DUPLICATE it, but I can’t create it. So imagine my delight at each and every plate that was brought to the table. Here is just a portion of what we enjoyed. I encourage you to make a plan to get over there and dig in. With JOY!

Our meal started with delicious champagne, and because we like to share plates, we ordered everything to share and enjoy together. Additionally Chef sent a few things additional for us to try. In addition to all of the fabulous food pictured here, there were fried chicken “oysters”, a wonderful tortellini dish that made me rethink whether I am done with molecular gastronomy and “foams” and a glorious panna cotta with fresh berries.

Lionfish ceviche with fried shishito leaves.

A delicate oyster topped with peach sorbet. Sounds  like it shouldn’t work, but totally does

Beef carpaccio with octopus as the eye of each slice

Lamb loin wrapped in Merguez sausage

This chocolate almond tart was as delicious and rich as it was pretty.


The Best Things I’ve Eaten in 2016

I KNOW it has been some time since I posted, but in my defense, it IS LeAnneuary and I have been trying to learn to use my new photo editing software with marginal success. I was holding off on posting this to edit all the pics and make them look perfect but that may not happen this year, let alone this month. So without further procrastination. Here’s the list of my fave bites of this year.

My dining this year consisted of a lot of tried and true places and dishes with several new places disappointing me. Here is the short list of the Best things I’ve eaten this past year. There were a few standouts as per usual, but on the whole, it was not a year of eating dangerously.

All pictures here are mine and mine alone, except where noted. Some taken with my phone and others with a “big camera”. Many are not watermarked (see above learning curve issues). Each of the things on the list this year are items I would go back to that particular place and order on its own  In no particular order…

Sugarcane – the Tobacco Rum Old Fashioned – Ab Fab – the tobacco bitters are unusual and don’t taste the way you think they might. GO and have it. Trust me. Photo by Friend Lebette.

Tobacco Rum Old Fashioned at Sugarcane in the Venetian/Palazzo Restaurant Row.

Egg Ravioli at Herringbone in the Aria – Chef Geno Bernardo knows what he is doing when it comes to pasta. This is ravioli for breakfast! Inside this lovely pocket of pasta is a perfectly cooked poached egg.

It’s ravioli for breakfast? Hell YEAH!

John and I consider Valentine’s day to be “Amateur Night”, so we almost always stay in and I get out of my comfort zone in the kitchen and make something I don’t usually tackle. This year it was a 3″ thick Ribeye cooked en sous vide and  it came out beautifully! The model linked below is the one I have; watch for sales!

Made at home with the Anova Immersion Circulator

Steak tartare at Bazaar Meat at the SLS – I love a good tartare and this one is exceptional. It comes to the table presented as seen on top. They prepare it tableside and it is glorious! It’s a splurge worthy place, so plan accordingly.

This is the prep for the tartare.

The finished product.

Paccheri Carbonara at Cafe Martorano in Fort Lauderdale – Sister Nancy turned 50 and the party was in Ft. Lauderdale, so I went (of course!). Literally around the corner was Cafe Martorano – the original that launched the Vegas location. I am not a fan of this shape of pasta and of course I am that asshole that asks for something NOT on the menu from time to time. I asked if this could be prepared with a different pasta and I was told no, but I ordered it anyway. Sorry Steve for doubting you! This was PERFECT! Sorry too about the sucky picture!

Seemingly simple, but utterly subtle and delicious. Paccheri Carbonara.

Mashed Potatoes at Carnevino at the Palazzo – Yes, it’s a side dish, but Nicole Brisson takes these humble spuds and makes them amazing super heroes of the table. I don’t even want to know how much butter and other wonderful goodness goes in, I just want to eat them. I seriously considered NOT sharing them with the rest of the table.

Mascarpone and a poached egg make these mashed potatoes a winner.

Truffle Frites at Lionstone Brewing in Geneseo, IL – Stout braised brisket, saison beer cheese, chipotle cream and Lionstone relish top your basic truffle fries. Think of them as the happy bastard child of poutine and nachos. You’re welcome!

Truffle Frites at Lionstone Brewing

Fried Conch at Oh Andros – Nassau, Bahamas  – If and when you get to Nassau, get off the beaten path and find this place. It will be packed. It’s cash only and you may very well be the only tourists. Service isn’t fast because it is all cooked to order, but it is VERY friendly. I love conch, I know it is not sustainable and I only eat it occasionally and fried is my favorite way to enjoy it. This was so big, it was hanging off the plate, and did you notice that OTHER whole fish there? Yeah…WAY too much food. Bring a friend and share!

The biggest Fried Conch I have ever eaten. NO, I couldn’t finish even half of it!

And lastly…

Sheep Ricotta Tortellini at Aureole – Chef Johnny Church has recently taken the helm at the newly renovated Aureole and the menu is amazing. I THOUGHT I was done with foams and all things molecular gastronomy, but this dish proved me wrong. Perfectly cooked tortellini with duck confit, fava beans and a parmigiana foam. ridiculously good.

Filled with sheep ricotta and topped with duck confit? Sign me up!

Up next more info on Aureole and a fab meal I enjoyed there recently AND my wonderful birthday dinner at Bouchon!





Vic Vegas Comes Full Circle

Vic Vegas moved to Las Vegas at age 14 and has called the city home since then. After several years of jobs, Vic Vegas comes full circle with the opening of his 7 Sinful Subs shop on Maryland Parkway a few doors down from where he started his culinary journey.

He knew he wanted a career in culinary the first time he walked into the kitchen at Ferraro’s

Vic started his culinary career at the now closed Tom & Jerry’s Grub & Pub which was located on Maryland Parkway near UNLV. He was a dishwasher. He subsequently worked at several places in Las Vegas. Vic worked hard and learned what he could at each restaurant and bar, but he says he knew he wanted a career in culinary the first time he walked into the kitchen at Ferraro’s. Vic Vegas has never been to culinary school, but has had plenty of on the job training. With each restaurant and every position in the kitchen, he learned something new. When I used the term “self-taught”, he gently corrected me and said, “No. I am not self-taught. I am self-inspired. I had the desire and other people taught me.” For me, that is a really telling statement. He credits all of the chefs, cooks and staff he has worked with over the years with helping him to become the person he is today. He never says he did it himself.

We all saw him on Next Food Network Star

I first learned of Vic Vegas when he appeared on the show, Next Food Network Star. And like many Las Vegans, I cheered him on and rooted for him to win. He didn’t win, but that show shifted his life and his career began to snowball. Vic said he had applied to the show numerous times and the one time he didn’t send in his application was the time they called him and said they wanted him. He quit his job at the Rumor Hotel to film the show and has never looked back.

The most surprising thing about Vic is that although he has always worked, and worked hard, he was, at one time homeless. After splitting with his ex, he moved out of his home, and continued to pay the bills, so his kids would have a safe place to live. He couldn’t afford two places, so he couch surfed and lived on the streets until he could make all the ends meet. This was shortly before we all saw him on Next Food Network Star. Since the airing of that season, his life has changed drastically as you can probably imagine. Despite his celebrity, he is a private person and though we are friends, was somewhat reluctant to sit with me for this interview, because he knew it would be about more than the shop and his career.

Vic Vegas makes time for the important things

One of the things that makes Vic Vegas special is that no matter how busy he is, he continues to make time for the important things. Family is everything to Vic and his friends are a close second. He also makes time to give back to the community. He is actively involved in St. Jude’s Ranch for Children in Boulder City. He volunteers for Three Square Food Bank (my pet charity) and the day I met him for this interview, he was appearing as a local celebrity at a fundraiser for a child with cancer that was being held at a local pizzeria. Unlike some, he knows with celebrity comes public expectations and a responsibility to give back. Vic doesn’t look at it as a burden, but as a gift to share what he has been given in his life.

When you go to 7 Sinful Subs, you may not see Vic Vegas. Don’t be disappointed. He’s a busy guy! You can catch Vic on episodes of Bar Rescue on Spike TV (he is part of a team that goes into struggling bars with food programs to help them move their business forward). In addition to the sub shop, he works as executive chef/culinary consultant for Nicholas & Company food distributors. And, as if he wasn’t busy enough, he’s getting ready to launch additional locations of 7 Sinful Subs (locations to be determined and I begged for a location in my neck of the woods). What you can expect when you walk into 7 Sinful Subs is what I like to call Classic Italian Subs with a Vegas twist. Clever sandwich and salad names, combined with interesting artwork round out the theme. The subs are fantastic! 7 Sinful Subs is located at 4632 S Maryland Pkwy #12, Las Vegas, across from UNLV. They are open daily at 11 am. Look in the student coupon book for UNLV next semester for info on how you can save. Also, mention Good for Spooning when ordering through the end of January (LeAnne-uary) and receive a free regular beverage with any sub or salad purchase.

The Baller - a Meatball parmigiana sandWISH!

The Baller – a Meatball parmigiana sandWISH!*

Club to the Head - Their twist on a classic club sandWISH

Club to the Head – Their twist on a classic club sandWISH. *

This is part one of the menu. Clever names with delicious ingredients. What more can you ask for?

This is part one of the menu. Clever names with delicious ingredients. What more can you ask for?

Congratulations to Kim Willard of Pikeville, KY! She is the winner of the

Anthony Bourdain Appetites Cookbook giveaway

* for all of you new readers – I always write sandWISH…


Holiday Foodie Gift Guide – 2016

It’s Giving Tuesday (I didn’t know that was a real thing) and it’s that time of year again. You know, the “What do I get for <fill in the blank>?” time of year. We all struggle with that one, so here’s my annual Holiday Gift Guide for all the foodies on your list.

Last year Sister Nancy gifted me with Try the World and I loved it! You can choose an individual month, or select a gift of the month option for a series of gifts. Each box comes themed by country with products fitting that country’s cuisine and recipe ideas to use them. Gifts start at $39

This pic of their Holiday Box borrowed from Try the World

This pic of their Holiday Box borrowed from Try the World

Here is the perfect gift for the cocktail lovers on your list

I am a fan of “Gift of the Month”, so here is another one for the cocktail lovers on your list. Shaker & Spoon sends everything you need to make great cocktails except the liquor, so you can choose your favorite brand. Each box revolves around one spirit and includes recipe cards, bitters, custom made syrups and produce for garnish. One standard bottle makes 12 cocktails based on the three recipes in each box. Gifts start at $50

Shaker & Spoon sample gift box

Shaker & Spoon sample gift box. Photo by Shaker & Spoon

Make your own Advent Calendar! Do you have a chocoholic, cookie monster, stationery whore, toy hoarder, etc. on your gift list? Create your own unique, customized advent calendar just for them. You’ll need 24 small gifts, numbered stickers and mini bags, boxes or other receptacle to put them all in for gifting. You can pick up an empty wine or beer box at your local liquor store to get you started. 24 beers in a case = 24 openings for your Advent Calendar. If you start today, you still have time to gift this on the first! Prices will vary.

Give a gift from your kitchen

Anything from your kitchen. I LOVE it when people grace me with something homemade. The fact that they took their precious time to create something for me means the world. Gift homemade banana bread or cookies on a fun or quirky thrift shop plate. Last year I made Bloody Mary bags with my own canned Bloody Mary mix and pickled garnishes to go with it. I added a bottle of vodka to finish it off. I think the recipients were pleased. Prices will vary.

Last year's Bloody Mary Bags. I even made the cute hang tag with my Cricut!

Last year’s Bloody Mary Bags. I even made the cute hang tag with my Cricut!

Every cook needs the right apparel and Lost Car Chef does it right! Aprons and Custom made Chef Coats are the perfect gift for the serious cook on your list. Aprons start at $40 and Jackets start at $100. Add your own logo, name, company and other embellishments to make it personal for your Chef or home cook. I own the Lillian jacket and it is my fave of all of my jackets. Smart detailing like magnetic cuff holders on the sleeves and an angled thermometer pocket on the front placket make all the difference in the world. Don’t settle for impostors. Most fun part? They do them in the back of a repurposed food truck that travels around to various locations. For the most up to date info check their website Lost Car Chef Apparel.

Photo Courtesy of Lost Car Chef Apparel

The Lillian Jacket – my fave! Photo Courtesy of Lost Car Chef Apparel

The trendy and tough Grenade Apron. Photo courtesy of Lost Car Chef Apparel.

The trendy and tough Grenade Apron. Photo courtesy of Lost Car Chef Apparel.

Sister Tina gifted me with a Yeti 30 oz Rambler tumbler this spring and I am officially in love! There are other ones on the market at a lower price point, but I’ll stick with my Yeti thanks. No matter how hot the Las Vegas desert gets, my drink stays cold inside the stainless tumbler while the exterior remains sweat free. In the winter, hot beverages stay truly hot while the outside remains comfortable to your hand. No coozie needed. If you REALLY want to splurge, they also make full sized coolers. Just a note when buying on Amazon – check the ship and arrival dates. Some of their participating merchants TAKE FOREVER to arrive. MY order was place on Nov 11th and I have yet to receive it…Prices on Amazon start around $30

Rambler - 30 oz stainless steel tumbler

Rambler – 30 oz stainless steel tumbler


Anthony Bourdain is my spirit animal.

I feel we may have been separated at birth. Of course his new cookbook is on my gift list this year! Appetites is GORGEOUS from the cover art by Ralph Steadman to the photographs and the recipes within. I love the way Bourdain “talks” to you when you read the recipes. You can hear his voice in your head. Filled with tips and tricks and recipes to fit nearly every palate, you won’t be disappointed. Because I bought this for myself AND the hubs bought it for me too, I’ll be giving one away next week. All you have to do is be a subscriber. Not a subscriber? Hit the SIGN ME UP button above on the right to be included in this giveaway. (US and Canada only – winner announced on my FB page and will be contacted by me for shipping info.) Retail value – $37.50

Appetites by Anthony Bourdain. Cover art by Ralph Steadman

Appetites by Anthony Bourdain. Cover art by Ralph Steadman

It’s On Me digital gift cards are the perfect answer to what to get just about anyone on your list if they live in Vegas, SoCal or New York. Choose from a carefully curated list of locally owned bars, restaurants and merchants, choose your dollar value and send it to any internet enabled mobile device. Android and Apple are both supported, so if the recipient has a phone, VOILA! Holiday Gifts DONE! Check their website often for expanding markets and promos. Be sure to check their blog for new additions and featured merchants.

So there you have it! Gift giving made easy…Enjoy the Holidays! You are welcome to post your cooking, entertaining or dining questions on my Facebook page at any time! To follow along with my dining adventures through the season be sure to follow me on Facebook or Instagram.




Closed for Thanksgiving

My favorite holiday of the year is Thanksgiving. In 29 years of marriage, John and I have only had Thanksgiving with extended family a handful of times. As a military family, it just wasn’t possible financially or logistically, but that has been changing in the past few years. My cousin Christine and my SILs from San Francisco have made the trip a few times and for me, it makes the holiday all the brighter.

There are a few friends who I wish would join us for Thanksgiving

We usually have about 20 for Thanksgiving, but last year got out of control. We had 42 people for dinner. Three turkeys and all that goes with it, wine, desserts. Basically The Works. It was too much even for me. I didn’t really get to visit with ANYONE because I was so busy visiting with everyone for a few minutes at a time. We have decided never to repeat that and have trimmed everything back to the 20 again. A few will drop in for drinks and apps and a few will show up for dessert. There are some friends who I wish would join us for the holiday. Several can’t because they host their own “Friendsgiving”, a few can’t because of family obligations and a few won’t because we have a “no football” policy. The TV goes on for the Macy’s  Parade and then it is off for the rest of the day. It is all about music and laughter and conversation. IMHO, you can stare at the TV any other day of the year.

Don’t you think EVERYONE should be able to spend Thanksgiving with their loved ones?

Because I feel so strongly about Thanksgiving being a “family” day, whether you spend it with bio-family or chosen family, I encourage you to NOT shop on Thanksgiving. Of course there is the inevitable, “Oh shit! I forgot the cranberries!” “Dammit! I was supposed to bring wine with me!” “For fuck’s sake! Who ate all of the stuff for the antipasto?” And off to the grocery store you must run. I am not talking about that. I am talking about SHOPPING. The so called Black Friday sales start ON Thanksgiving now. WHY? Isn’t spending time with your loved ones more important than the few dollars you save by shopping on Thanksgiving? Don’t you think EVERYONE should be able to spend the day with their loved ones? I do, and that’s why I encourage all of you to stay home. If folks stop showing up, the stores will stay closed and allow their employees to enjoy the day with their peeps before the mad holiday shopping season rush.

To that end, here is a list of retailers honoring family traditions and staying closed on Thanksgiving. Show them a little love this shopping season when you are choosing where to spend your hard earned dollars. For the record, I will be at Dillard’s at 8 am on Friday to show them some love! Thanks to Forbes online for the graphic and info. These are just he national chains and bog box stores. Of course, most of the Mom & Pop shops will be closed and you can show them the love on Small Business SaturdayClosed for Thanksgiving

So here’s my game plan:

  • Watch the Macy’s Parade (even though they are open on Thanksgiving) while I am doing prep
  • Eat, drink and be merry with friends, music, laughter and maybe some games
  • Black Friday Shopping with my pal Lynn – Dillard’s always has the best handbags on sale!
  • Shop Local on Saturday
  • Sleep on Sunday

Years ago, we started “adopting” Airmen from the dorms to our Thanksgiving table and thus the “Island of Lost Toys Thanksgiving” was born. When I look back and think of everyone sitting on the floor, couches and any place they could perch to eat, I chuckle. It was probably one of the craziest ideas I ever had. We didn’t have a table big enough, we only had a four top table and because I have always done Thanksgiving buffet style, that’s where the food went! I know each and every Airman that has joined us has loved it. I know as humble as my home was and is, it is better than any chow hall on the planet, plus there is camaraderie from others they don’t know. If you want to “adopt” a service member to your Thanksgiving celebration, contact your local military installation.