When I think of holidays and get-togethers with family and friends, the first thing that comes to mind is the FOOD! I LOVE to cook for a crowd and the more the merrier in most cases. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is either. It can be a birthday, bridal or baby shower, Bunco night or any old reason. I consider it a personal challenge to make sure there is something wonderful for every one of my guests to enjoy, regardless of their dietary restrictions.
Why? I think it is easier for me to express my love through feeding someone than it is to say it sometimes.
Needless to say, June is a BIG month for many people with cooking. Dads and Grads, Weddings, Flag Day and here at home it is also the birthday of a family member (Jackster). This year we had a lot going on with family and friends visiting from out of state and my kitchen got a serious work out. I glided through the festivities like Apolo Anton Ono glides on his skates (honesty moment – I adore him, he was one of the first people I followed on Twitter). Few things make me happier than watching people come together over a plate of well made grub. I enjoy watching their faces as they relish the flavors and laugh through the conversation. Of course, compliments on my food always delight me, but I really dig watching people smile as they eat. For whatever reason, whenever I entertain, I get myself all stressed out and worked up and it’s all for nothing. Almost without fail, the food, the fellowship and the fun are awesome, and this week was no exception. Jack’s Birthday/Graduation party was a huge success and I thank everyone who came and joined us. If you were unable to be with us, rest assured, you were missed.
It is impossible for me to imagine a celebration, or even a single day, without food. Unfortunately there are MANY people in THIS country, right now, perhaps in your neighborhood, that can’t celebrate because they don’t have a basic necessity, FOOD. That is why for several years I have worked as a Sales Director for a company that promotes Family Mealtime and I volunteer with Three Square Food Bank, locally here in Las Vegas. I am a big believer in FOOD FOR EVERYONE! As we get ready to enjoy the summer, I encourage you to volunteer or donate to YOUR local Food Bank or Food Pantry. Oftentimes people think of donating ONLY at the Holidays, but summer is the crucial time for students who qualify for free or reduced price lunch during the school year. For many of those students, that meal is the only one they will get all day. It goes without saying that these students don’t get fed when school is not in session. If you are financially unable to donate cash or food, donate your TIME! It is an invaluable commodity that is needed just as much. Here in Las Vegas check out www.ThreeSquare.org and across the country, to find YOUR Food Bank go to www.FeedingAmerica.org
This week’s Food Memories are a celebratory lunch at Mood in the Artisan Hotel with friends, old and new, a wonderful cake from Retro Bakery, and Karen Behringer’s 50th Birthday Bash. This week’s pic is grilled veggies that were served for the Graduation Party!
Until next week – go out and make your own Food Memories!